
The Latest TikTok Makeup Trend Exploring the Uncanny Valley

 "Pale Skin, Hollow Eyes, and Distorted Features: Exploring TikTok's Recent Uncanny Valley Makeup Trend."

This trend, commonly referred to as the 'uncanny valley makeup trend,' showcases creators using makeup techniques to emulate hyper-realistic bot-like appearances. Certain videos within this trend have garnered up to 13 million likes on the platform.

The Latest TikTok Makeup Trend Exploring the Uncanny Valley

Pop culture has consistently associated robots with fear and a lack of trustworthiness, evident from iconic examples such as Terminator in 1984 and Ex Machina in 2014. However, in today's landscape, the boundary distinguishing reality from illusion is becoming progressively blurred in a realm filled with AI-generated deep fakes and social humanoid robots.

Here's the information we have about this trend.

The uncanny valley represents the feeling of unease or discomfort that arises when encountering something that closely resembles a human but still appears slightly off or artificial.

While many individuals appreciate the gradual humanization of artificial objects, like Disney's WALL-E or C3PO from Star Wars, a different reaction occurs when these creations become excessively human-like to the point where something seems amiss and indiscernible. At this juncture, scientific studies demonstrate that the brain responds by triggering a profound sense of unease.

As an illustration, the original musical film Cats, which debuted in 1998 and gained popularity for its memorable song "Memory," was adored by audiences. Conversely, the newer version released in 2019 faced criticism due to its unsettling visuals. This disparity arose because in the original rendition, the characters were distinctly portrayed as humans in costumes. In contrast, the subsequent version utilized extensive visual effects that transformed human actors into animals bearing a humanoid resemblance.

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